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Children with Autism Spectrum Disorders such as autism or Asperger's syndrome see their world in a very different way. The filtering mechanism in their brains often works in a different way in assimilating the senses such as touch, smell, hearing, taste and sight. They may be extremely sensitive to some senses and find seemingly routine events fascinating - the patterns of light on a wall, or the rustling leaves in the wind. The autistic child may also be unresponsive to sensations that their parents find unpleasant, such as extreme heat, cold or pain.

Sensory experiences that parents don't even notice may be extremely frightening or unpleasant for a child - the feel of a certain fabric, sounds of certain frequency, particular colors or seemingly bland foods. The child's reactions can easily be interpreted as wilful misbehavior. Along with this will frequently be difficulties in movement, coordination and sensing where one's body is in a given space, leading to clumsiness and difficulty with tasks such as dressing.

These are problems with sensory integration, as the nervous system has difficulty receiving, filtering, organizing and making use of sensory information, commonly known as Sensory Integration Dysfunction.

Sensory Integration involves various systems in our bodies:
• The vestibular system responds to movement and gravity
• The proprioceptive system receives feedback from joints and muscles and joints
• Our five senses - sight, hearing, touch, eyesight and smell.

Following are some signs that a child may have a dysfunction in sensory-motor processing:
• Repetitive behaviors such as spinning, head banging or flapping of hands
• Poor coordination and handwriting
• Poor eye contact
• Short attention span
• Avoidance or over reaction to touch
• Difficulty identifying objects by touch
• Clumsiness and lack of balance
• Repetitive or slow speech
• Lack of body image and awareness
• Raised shoulders
• Fear of movement, avoids motor play
• Fear and anxiety in new situations or changed routines.
Children with autism or Asperger's syndrome may be overly sensitive to certain textures, sounds, smells and tastes. Wearing certain fabrics, tasting certain foods, or normal everyday sounds may cause emotional outbursts. The opposite is also possible - the child with an Autism Spectrum Disorder may feel very little pain or actually enjoy sensations we would dislike: strong smells, intense cold or unpleasant tastes.

The brain seems unable to balance the senses appropriately in cases of Sensory Integration Dysfunction. The brain may not be able to filter out background stimuli yet admit what is important, so the person with autism or Asperger's may have to deal with overwhelming amounts of sensory input day and night.

Babies who are later diagnosed as autistic are often observed to go stiff when held due to a sensory overload. This coping behavior is one of the earliest observable symptoms of autism, although it does not occur in all cases. It can be very difficult for parents who feel their child is rejecting them personally when the child doesn't want to be touched. Some guidelines to consider in these situations include:
• The child may find it easier to initiate hugging than receiving one
• Touch is usually more tolerable when the child anticipates it
• Firm, unmoving touch is better than light or moving touch
• Light touch may be tolerable after firm unmoving touch
• Initial stimulation may be unpleasant but tolerated later.

In some cases, parents can minimize unpleasant sensory stimulation. For example, parents can avoid certain clothing fabrics that their child finds intolerable. Others may buy secondhand clothing, or wash new items repeatedly, to minimize the unpleasant rub of new fabrics. It can be very difficult for parents to find these causes of distress especially when the child is very young or does not communicate well. There may be some detective work and experimenting needed to find the sources.

Where are source of distress cannot be realistically avoided, there are behavioral techniques to allow a child to gradually accept the unpleasant sensory sensation. With time and patience, Desensitization can be a powerful technique. For example, a child may scream uncontrollably in supermarkets. The parent will explain to the child that they will stand outside the supermarket for 30 seconds then go home. The next time, it may be explained that they will go in for 30 seconds then go home. Time spent in the supermarket is gradually lengthened until the child has adapted to this environment. For more information, see the Behavior Management Strategies fact sheet.

There are other interventions available that help autistic children to integrate their senses and have more pleasurable interactions with people and their environment. See the Sensory Integration Therapies fact sheet for treatment options.

Temple Grandin's 'hug machine' is an interesting option for some children with sensory problems.
Click here to read her personal story about coping with sensory problems. Apps to help with sensory sensitivity( Ambulance,EASE pro listening therapy)


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People with autism spectrum disorder (ASD) exhibit many behaviors their family, teachers, and other supporters find challenging. At the same time, those individuals often find the world at large a challenge, and the behavior of the people in it perplexing. “I wish I could live on Planet Autistic,” is the way one young man with ASD expressed how alien and misunderstood he often felt on this planet.
What are the behaviors and ways of taking in the outside world that distinguish a person with an ASD from his or her “typical” peers? Although these will vary according to the severity of a person’s autism and their age, there are core issues that affect most people with an autism spectrum disorder. Apps to help you more understand children with Autism ( choose,, behavior tracker pro)


Children with autism have problems interacting with others and may suffer from impaired communication skills. A challenge for parents and teachers is to find a method to motivate these children that is both safe and effective. Developing language, behavioral and social skills can be extremely challenging for some autistic children; however, some tips to aid this effort are highlighted here.There are a number of methods that can be used to motivate an autistic child. Some of the most common motivators are highlighted here.
Play therapy
You can motivate autistic children with play therapy, which can help to provide a sense of accomplishment, encourage self-expression and teach new skills.
Provide choices
It is also possible to motivate autistic children when you allow them to select the stimulus activity, such as dancing or jumping. You can join them in with this activity until the child successfully makes eye contact or they communicate spontaneously.
Utilize positive reinforcement
When you are actively learning or providing therapy, prompting for another try after the wrong answer, or praising a correct choice will encourage a child to respond more often.
You can also use other types of reinforces to help children learn new skills. In some cases, children who suffer from autism are not able to be adequately motivated with traditional, social feedback. In these instances you will have to find a reinforcer that works for your child.
One way to find an effective reinforcer is to set out a number of different items and see which the child chooses. Take note of what they choose and how long they interact with that item. In most cases, the first item selected will be the most powerful reinforcing tool.
Once you have discovered the reinforcer that works best for your child, then you should deliver it directly after a correct response is give. Be sure that this

Getting to know the childis always paired with some type of verbal praise, such as “good job.” This will help them also understand the importance and effectiveness of verbal praise.
Cover new and familiar skills
It is important to keep learning fun and interesting for your autistic child. This means you should introduce both new activities and skills, as well as ones they are familiar with. While it is important to create a routine and sense of familiarity, studies have also shown that autistic children remain focused, give more right answers and are better behaved when the activities are varied.

Before you can get started on any type of learning strategy, it is essential you get to know the child in question. This includes:
Creating and updated a list of the child’s interests and strengths. Include any fascinations or preoccupations that could be strange.
Take not of activities that cause anxiety of frustration.
Notice any pacing or processing issues that may be present.
When you understand these things, you can create a strategy that will be conducive to the way the autistic child will learn best. No two children are exactly the same, which means you need to carefully observe and evaluate prior to trying to motivate.
Methods of motivation
is always paired with some type of verbal praise, such as “good job.” This will help them also understand the importance and effectiveness of verbal praise.
Cover new and familiar skills
It is important to keep learning fun and interesting for your autistic child. This means you should introduce both new activities and skills, as well as ones they are familiar with. While it is important to create a routine and sense of familiarity, studies have also shown that autistic children remain focused, give more right answers and are better behaved when the activities are varied.
is always paired with some type of verbal praise, such as “good job.” This will help them also understand the importance and effectiveness of verbal praise.
Cover new and familiar skills
It is important to keep learning fun and interesting for your autistic child. This means you should introduce both new activities and skills, as well as ones they are familiar with. While it is important to create a routine and sense of familiarity, studies have also shown that autistic children remain focused, give more right answers and are better behaved when the activities are varied.
is always paired with some type of verbal praise,


The website Autism is to give a basic introduction of educational apps to assist families and caregivers with the characteristics and traits of Autism spectrum disorder (ASD)

Autism Spectrum Disorder is a Neurologic Disorder characterised by difficulties with communication, interaction imagination and flexible thinking.

I went with this idea because i want to use technology to more easily assist people and their caregivers to improve the outcomes for people challenged with Autism.

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